Determining whether insurance will likely cover the cost of a roof repair is critical to keeping your rates low while ensuring you get the money you deserve. If you’re trying to determine if your roof repair will be covered under insurance, keep these critical factors in mind.
Should You File a Roof Insurance Damage Claim?
If your roof is damaged and you have insurance, the first question to ask is if you should consider filing a claim to cover the repairs. Whether it’s as small as a minor leak or as large as a full roof replacement, it never hurts to at least consider if insurance coverage may be warranted. An ideal place to start is by scheduling a free roof inspection to assess the scope of the damage. From there, you can determine repair options and identify which of those options may be more likely to be covered by insurance.
When to File a Claim
In certain circumstances, it’s almost always a good idea to file an insurance claim. You should likely file a claim if:
- Your roof has been damaged in a storm
- A roof leak may lead to more damage
- Your roof is damaged and is less than 10 years old
Again, none of the above circumstances guarantee that your claim will be approved, but they’re at least an indication that you should start exploring the next steps to filing a claim.
When Not to File a Claim
On the other hand, there are also circumstances when you should not file a claim, including when:
- The cost to repair or replace is lower than the deductible
- The problem is due to daily wear and tear or a maintenance issue
- You have filed a claim within the past three years
If your roof is damaged and any of the above instances are the case, you’re better off not filing a claim because your claim will likely be denied and your rates may even rise.
The Benefits of Filing a Roof Insurance Damage Claim
When you file an insurance claim and it’s approved, you can expect a number of benefits, including:
- Minimizing out-of-pocket expenses: If your insurance claim is approved, you can minimize or completely eliminate the out-of-pocket expenses associated with a repair or replacement project.
- Enhanced repair or replacement options: If your claim is approved, it opens up repair or replacement options that may not have been in your budget otherwise.
- Negotiating temporary free repair services: If a roofing company believes you have a good chance at having your claim approved, many will offer free temporary repair services to protect your home or build until the claim is officially approved.
- Damaged property reimbursement: When your claim is approved, you can also expect it to cover the repair or replacement costs associated with any other property that may have been damaged as a result.
The Downsides of Filing a Roof Insurance Damage Claim
Unfortunately, filing a roof repair insurance claim also has its downsides, such as:
- It’s never guaranteed: Even if you or your roofer determine that your claim has a good chance at being approved, there’s never any guarantee, and even if it is, you may struggle to get the money you deserve on time.
- It’s a long, complex process: Insurance claims are never approved overnight. It’s a long, often drawn-out process that requires time and patience.
- Your rates may rise: Whether your roof insurance damage claim is approved or not, it may lead to a future increase in your premium rates.
- You’re limited in future claims: When you file more than one claim over the course of a three-year period, you may have a more difficult time renewing your policy or finding coverage elsewhere.
Simplify the Residential or Commercial Roofing Insurance Claims Process
On your own, the roof insurance damage claims process is never easy, but with New Image Roofing Atlanta, it can be. We specialize in streamlining the insurance claims process for both residential and commercial roofing systems, so you only have to remember one name for all your roofing needs. If you suspect you may be entitled to insurance money to cover a roof repair or replacement project, schedule a free inspection today. We’ll get up on your roof and quickly give you a clear idea of whether insurance is likely to cover the repairs or not.